I'm working on this Veterans Law Guidebook: "VA and PTSD Claims: The Definitive Guide".


My Goal is to Make this the "Go-To" Guide for VA PTSD Claims!

Here's my working "Table of Contents" - scroll down and tell me  what YOU want to learn in this Guidebook. 

Chapter 1: What is PTSD?
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Diagnosis
- Limitations
- Treatment


Chapter 2: The Law of a PTSD Claim:

 - Pillar 1 (Eligibility)
-  Pillar 2 (Service Connection)
-  Pillar 3 (Impairment Rating)
-  Pillar 4 (Effective Dates)


Chapter 3: PTSD and Stressor Events
- Combat Stressors
- Non-Combat Stressors


Chapter 4: PTSD and the Nexus Opinion


Chapter 5: Evidence Needed for a PTSD Claim


Chapter 6: PTSD Claims in the VA Claims Process
- The VA Regional Office
- Board of Veterans Appeals
- Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims

Chapter 7: Common Errors Veterans Make in PTSD Claims


Chapter 8: Key BVA Decisions regarding PTSD


Chapter 9: Key CAVC Decisions regarding PTSD


Tell me what YOU want to learn in this Guidebook: