What is YOUR Pain?

Veterans Law Advocates - tell me your “pain”.

I work with a software coder who is writing some really fascinating software tools for our Veterans Law practice - more about that some other day.  

When the coder - his name is Will - first came into my office, the very first question he asked my team was this:

"Where is your PAIN in your current processes?"

I want to ask the attorneys and accredited agents that follow this blog the same question:

What is the biggest “pain” in your Veterans Law practice?  

Tell me where you are having problems in your VA Claims practice, and I will start working on some posts to address the biggest problems that the most of you are having.  

* Is it dealing with employees at the Regional Office? 
* How about getting C-Files for your clients and potential clients?
* Picking the right medical experts to assist in your claim?
* Practice Management tools? 
* Employee problems?
* Figuring out which of the 400 cases styled Carpenter v VA is the actual one you are looking for? * 
* Something else?

Scroll down, fill out the form and let me know how my experience can benefit you.

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Attorneys live and die off email - its something I have tried really hard to get away from in my practice.  

But, if you would like me to send you an email with the Weekly Attorneys' Corner post every Thursday morning, simply sign up below: